Observing the natural world and how we interact with it, I pay attention to shapes, patterns and systems to convey ideas of growth and decay. My latest drawings show elements of human waste floating in a sea of mixed up detritus, cell-like creatures and energy fields. Through geometry and repetition, I strive to represent the movement, constant change and struggle for adaptation we find in nature.
Inspired by advertising and graphic design, I often use text in my work. I have always been fascinated by the allure of advertising: the slick, colorful and bubble gum reality it sells us, and by the controlling power these images hold. In my drawings, I combine text with primitive organic elements that seem to be floating in a void. Taken from marine life, these cell-like creatures, sound waves and energy fields form close ups of a landscape in constant change. The texts come from a variety of sources: quotes taken from literature, things people say or reminders I give myself in the process of working. By using the same graphic tools that advertising draws on, I offer blank spaces to non-commercial ideas and private observations.
My public art projects create holes in a landscape taken over by the media or call attention to elements of the urban environment that have become invisible to the passerby. I work in different media: drawing, painting or installation but cutting and repetition are constant processes in my series.